1N4007 is a general-purpose silicon rectifier diode with a DO-41 plastic package. It’s used in a variety of AC-to-DC rectifier circuits, as well as in bridge rectifier circuits. 1N4007 is a kind of rectifier diodes. The forward voltage is around 0.6V to 0.8V when the power is low. In the case of high power, the forward voltage drop is about 1V. Only low-frequency circuits can use the reverse recovery time, which is measured in microseconds. The 1N4007 is electrically compatible with other rectifier diodes and can be used in place of any 1N400X series diode. In real life, the 1N4007 can be used in a variety of ways.
The maximum current carrying capacity of the 1N4007 Diode is 1A, and it can withstand peaks of up to 30A. As a result, we can use it in circuits that use less than 1A. The reverse current is 5uA, which is extremely low. This diode has a power dissipation of 3W.
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