The IRFZ44N is a N-channel MOSFET. Its features include very low on state resistance, high speed processing technology, completely avalanche rated etc. The transistor possesses high speed switching capability which makes it ideal to use in applications where high speed switching is a crucial requirement.
The IRFZ44N is a voltage-controlled variable N-channel Power MOSFET available in the TO-220 package in enhancement mode. It is used to produce very low-resistance silicon regions with advanced processing techniques and high switching speed in robust device design. These power MOSFETs are highly efficient and reliable for various applications of switching, LED driver, and general and DC motor driver circuits. It is most widely used to create motor controls for Arduino projects in H-bridge circuits. It has a high drain current of 49 Amps with low drain-to-source resistance of 17.5 mOhms and 4 Volts of the low threshold voltage. It needs a special driver circuit for complete and fast switching. The conduction of IRFZ44N power MOSFET starts at a low 4V gate voltage and produces maximum drain current at 10V of gate voltage. To drive this MOSFET with a microcontroller or Arduino directly, IRFZ44N logic level type MOSFET is suggested.
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